The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Chapter 212: Vol. 2

Translated by Raizu

There are several lounges in Levios Castle for the purpose of exchange.

When I was led into the room by a Quordenze civil officer, there were already people there.

[Wilk. You’re late.]

[Yes. About the matter the other day, I wonder if the Archduke will have a word with father later.]

I said the lines I had prepared in my head as they were without any alterations. It’s a sign that my father and I decided in advance to show that the apology from the Archduke of Milendorva has been successfully completed.

This is also intended to give the Adellahan family a hint that Wilk Quordenze and the Milendorva family have unofficially contacted each other. It’s not a story that can be made public, but the Quordenze family wants to show that the Orshian incident has been settled with our victory.

[It looks like I’ve kept you waiting.]

I looked at the women in the room while apologizing in an apologetic tone.

Excluding me and my father, there were two other Highlords here.

A very large middle-aged woman and a small old woman. There’s no doubt that it’s the Marquis of Adellahan and Duchess Crowne, the proud Hero of the Adellahan family.

The two were sitting in their seats without making eye contact with me. I guess they think it’s bad manners to stare at the other person before exchanging greetings, so I try not to look too much.

Perhaps because I had researched about Crowne from various books in advance, I felt like I just met a great figure of history, and when I let my guard down, I could not help but look at her.

[I would like to introduce Wilk to you two. Come here. I have already received greetings from the children of Adellahan.]

I obediently followed my father’s beckoning.

Archduke Milendorva came quite late, so I ended up being late. However, there are no clocks on the Eruo continent, so there is no culture of complaining about being a little late. Thank you for being so flexible.

Before entering the room, I heard from a civil officer that the next head of the Adellahan family, Princess Kalmia, and her fiancé, Novalf, a young man from a branch family, have temporarily left the room.

It’s only out of consideration. There is no way to let 4 Highlords to wait for 1 Highlord.

Even though the Levios family manages the exchange meeting with their face, the difference of 4 times cannot be ignored. Even if it is between Nobles of the same faction, it is all the more so because it is a top meeting between the Quordenze faction and the Adellahan faction.

[Shall I begin the introduction?]

At my father’s words, the middle-aged woman sitting across from me quietly nodded.

My father spoke a short introduction, and when it ended, I showed my gratitude and opened my mouth.

[As introduced by my father, I am Quordenze family’s eldest son, Wilk Quordenze.]

I carefully arranged the words according to the etiquette and gave a formal greeting. There is no point in doing anything out of the ordinary here. I was a little nervous because I was dealing with the Adellahan family, but I think I was able to greet them without any problems.

[I am Shakuna Adellahan. The current protector of Adellahan land. Very happy to meet Wilk-dono today.]

Marquis Adellahan’s reply was really simple.

Their customary chat time for the first time was the bare minimum, and there was almost no nasty trickery.

However, there is no atmosphere of hating or avoiding us. It seemed that she was accustomed to dealing with anyone, probably with a short greeting like this.

Rather than the style of the Adellahan family, it is probably the personality of the Marquis herself. I think this is where individuality comes out.

[I am Crowne Adellahan.]

As proof of that, Crowne, who exchanged greetings after the Marquis, showed a more refined Noble way of speaking.

[The rumors of the Great Shield Breaker have spread to the land of Adellahan as well. It’s truly a splendid undertaking, Voistra’s military power has finally been broken. One can say that the late Duchess Cassia has fulfilled her long-cherished wish.]

[It is an honor to be praised by someone with such a high reputation in the martial way like Duchess Crowne.]

In response to my reply, Duchess Crowne told a rumor that was circulating in the Adellahan region.

Due to the fiasco set up by the Spierzeig family ended up with the overwhelming victory of the Quordenze family, it was rumored that the great rebellion operation itself was a trap lured in by the famous conspirator Luxus Quordenze in the first place… what a rumor.

[I’ve been curious about how Reisleaf was crushed. Is it the fangs that grew on its body, or the sword that was released? Before I knew it, I pushed my old body and came to see it all the way to the Royal Capital.]

Crowne smiled broadly, saying, “I’m sorry”, but when you think about the series of conversations as a whole, it’s a word that has a lot of implications.

It can be considered that this is questioning Wilk Quordenze’s personal political thoughts, more specifically the military aspects, and future expansion policies.

My father’s main plan for the war is the destruction of the Spierzeig family, and he has no plans to expand beyond that. This is a half-professed story, and it’s a story that everyone in the Kingdom knows as a matter of course.

If Wilk Quordenze is the sword unleashed by his father, then it will stop after stabbing the Spierzeig family. But if he grew his fangs out of his own volition, it’s a different story. After devouring the Spierzeig, he might bare his fangs at another prey.

Referring to the Spierzeig as Voistra, saying that the capture of Reisleaf “has finally been accomplished”, and the mention of the sword. All of those are an allusion to Emperor Zinkaen.

A child of Quordenze who shares the same thoughts as his father, or someone who inherits Emperor Zinkaen’s ideas and aims to conquer the continent. Wilk Quordenze, come on, which one are you? …that’s what Crowne was asking.

[All the way from Adellahan to meet me? That is both gladdening and awe-inspiring.]

While trying to buy time with a fluffy and empty reply, I frantically racked my brain as to how best to respond.

For the time being, the first plan is to softly tell her that I’m with my father. It is the safest answer. Perhaps even Crowne would be able to agree with that answer.

A young man with a strong ambition to conquer the continent would not give a safe answer in such a situation. Rather, he will become mushy and bite the bait.

However, the first plan is not very cool. No matter how I say it, I feel like I’m giving the impression of a stupid son. For me, who will lead the Quordenze faction in the future, that is not very desirable.

Which one is a more reliable answer as the next head of Quordenze family, while also one that implies that I’m focusing only on the downfall of the Spierzeig? …it’s very difficult.

When listening to Crowne’s heroic tales about the war to unify the Adellahan region, there are many delightful stories about her outrageous marches, as well as the surprise attacks that confuse the opponent and lure them into traps.

I never thought that I would be attacked at an exchange meeting where we confirmed our friendship. This is best heard in stories.

If I were really an ambitious person, the moment I was told something like this, I would say something like, [Are you saying that I’m my father’s puppet!] …..Ah, by the time I’m already buying time and thinking about a reply like this, I’ve unwittingly achieved Crowne’s goal. And since I’ve bought time so far, I can’t look good unless I give a reasonable answer. Somehow I feel like I’ve fallen into a trap.

Just like my father, I don’t want you to hold such a peace-loving person and have incomprehensible expectations.

Generally speaking, it would be normal for this afternoon’s exchange meeting to lightly introduce ourselves, have a little chat, and drink tea. Aren’t we supposed to make separate appointments at a later date to discuss heavy topics at the Quordenze Mansion or the Adellahan mansion? Please excuse me, really.

I’m about to run out of words that I can use to buy time.

I don’t have time to think about a safe and reliable answer. My palms were dripping with sweat.

But, any further delay would just be unsightly. Let’s make a bet now. If it goes well, it will be profitable.

[I fully understand the feeling of having to confirm something that caught your attention. Come to think of it, while traveling to visit the Royal Capital this time, I was curious about something and decided to check it out. Isn’t there a legend about the mountain and the water snake in the Adellahan region?]

It’s a fairy tale about a snake that swims up a river and rises to the top of Mount Erechtheion, the highest peak on the continent. I know that there is a tradition in the Adellahan region, but I dare to ask because it is a prelude.

[I know of a story about a serpent going up the Wacold River, reaching the mountain, and becoming a dragon.]

Alright, it’s going exactly as I wanted. This paves the way to the end.

Crowne must have guessed that the answer is finally coming. Her expression brightened as if to say let’s hear it.

With her googly eyes shining brightly and her fangs baring smile, it seemed as if she was enjoying the situation. I’m not having fun at all

[Adellahan’s water serpent rises up the Wacold River, doesn’t it? In Quordenze, there is the Ovieto River or the Amelia River…also, there is a slight difference in the water snake part.]

It has probably been replaced by a familiar river for the people who tell the story. Crowne looked a little interested, but waited for the continuation of my words without interjecting.

[In Quordenze, the water serpent did not become a dragon. It instead turned into a giant serpent.]

The legend of Miyama’s water snake has a slightly different ending depending on the region. In the Quordenze territory, the punch line is that it transforms into a mighty serpent with magical power, but in other regions it becomes a dragon or a catfish.

In an age when means of transportation are limited, I think there are many differences due to folklore being passed down from person to person. And its shape is terribly unstable and easily deformed.

It’s a story I heard when I passed through the Noble territory of the Adellahan faction while moving to the Royal Capital. In some parts of the Adellahan region, water snakes are transformed into dragons. Immediately after the talk, an auspicious dragon came flying, so it left a deep impression.

Every time I entered a new territory, I would ask the guides how things were going in other areas.

In any case, it was fortunate that the ending of the water snake legend that Crowne knew was the dragon version. It was a gamble here.

[Is that right? I thought it was the same story, but it’s surprisingly different.]

She is an old woman with good intuition.

[Yes, it might look like a dragon in Adellahan. To me, who was born in Quordenze, it looks like a big snake.]

Emperor Zinkaen is sometimes called the [Dragon of the West Sea].

The Adellahan family may have superimposed my military exploits with Emperor Zinkaen and saw it as a dragon, but I insist that I am a [Person of Quordenze]. The policy of the Quordenze family, that is, a Noble with the same policy as his father.

[If so, is the piercing fang a snake’s fang?]

Of course, Crowne would be aware of the name of Operation Serpent’s Fang.

It’s an operation name without any particular meaning, but let’s use it here.

[Yes. I thought the next fang would belong to the serpent.]


The culmination of the water snake legend in Quordenze is the giant serpent. Wilk Quordenze is only thinking about the next battle, namely the invasion of Voistra and the capture of Othelloria. Crowne nodded several times, trying to grasp the true meaning I put into the conversation.

[It seems like a good next generation is growing in Quordenze. It reminds me of Duchess Cassia…well?]

Then, Crowne turned her gaze to my father. The greetings and talk with me ended with that.

Of my own volition, I bit Reisleaf with my own fangs. I intend to destroy the Spierzeig, but have no ambition to conquer the continent. I think I was able to convey both well.

By the end of the exchange, I had enough time to observe the two of them.

Dealing with a Great Noble like the Adellahan family, and even a person as big as Crowne, can be quite nerve-wracking. I quietly wiped the sweat from my palms so that no one could see it.

As I heard, Marquis Adellahan possesses a large body.

She has wide shoulders and is probably over 180 cm tall. Her demeanor was also dignified, making her look extra large.

Even though she has the same tall body, she has a completely different vector from the female knight who seems to be Rona’s bodyguard that I met earlier today. That one had an athletic physique, but the Marquis has a physique that I feel is best described as “good-looking”.

As if she understood her own body, the Marquis’s dress wasn’t made of fluttering fabric, but was characterized by strongly woven red threads, and from a distance it looked like a leather product. It was cloth armor rather than a dress.

Crowne is small in comparison. It may look like that because she’s old and she’s next to Marquis Adellahan, but I get the impression that she’s small.

However, she still looks very sharp. With its dangling eyes and glare in its gaze, she resembles a bird of prey in the hunt. This heavy pressure, which was spoken with an attitude rather than words, felt somewhat like my grandfather when standing on the battlefield.

Surprisingly, however, the amount of her magical power is not that great. It’s considerably better than Viscount Galiana, but even so, it’s a relatively disappointing category for a Noble. As Marquis Adellahan possesses the amount of mana worthy of Nobles, the difference inevitably stands out.

Well, a Highlord’s magic power is pretty much an excessive offensive power. When a man with a katana and a man with a paring knife fights, the latter might still win. At the end of the day, the difference is how good you are and how reckless you are. Crowne must be a dangerous person who can step firmly on the accelerator pedal without any hesitation when it comes to battle.

While I was observing, an Adellahan civil officer entered the room. It seems that the remaining two members of the Adellahan family have returned.

Considering that, I guess they were waiting nearby for my greeting to end.

As soon as my father and the marquis gave permission to enter, two young people appeared.

A small girl walking straight with her eyes closed and a young man walking diagonally behind her. They look more like a Princess and a knight who protects her, rather than Nobles.

Anyway, it’s the girl who’s more important. I could care less about the young man.

[Kalmia, this is Wilk-dono of the Quordenze family.]

After Marquis Adellahan said so, she briefly introduced Princess Kalmia to me.

With her eyes still closed, Kalmia turned to me and took a greeting posture without being instructed by anyone. I’ve heard that she can’t see, but according to rumors, she doesn’t seem to have any trouble in her daily life.

The Quordenze family is the host of this exchange meeting and tea party. When the Reisleaf Castle fell, the first congratulatory messages came from the Adellahan family, so we invited them in to return the favor.

As a result, the guest, Kalmia, will be the one to say hello instead of me, who was late.

[Adellahan is the guardian of the land, and the next generation has been appointed. My name is Kalmia Adellahan.]

Keeping her eyes closed, she smiled as she greeted me with well-thought out words.

Somehow, I feel like I’m being warned. Her voice sounded a little trembling, and somehow her smile seemed stiff.

There were several people at the luncheon who had similar reactions, so I don’t think it’s strange.

Well, putting that aside, it’s my turn.

[Glad to meet the Princess of Adellahan. I am the eldest son of the Quordenze family, Wilk Quordenze.]

To be honest, I was most nervous today about my conversation with Crowne, so I was able to finish my greetings with Kalmia very well.

And the same goes for chatting after the greeting. Perhaps Kalmia regained her composure during the talking, as her smile gradually became more natural.

It’s a good thing if she enjoys talking with me.

This is especially true for young Nobles, but if there is a difference in education, it will be difficult to choose a topic. However, I was able to match the story with Kalmia without any discrepancies, and there were times when it was matched from the other side. It seems that she has received an education that is fitting for the next head of the family. There was something comforting about being able to convey the story heart to heart.

From the exchanges of conversation, I can see the speed of her train of thought. I’m worried about the timid way of speaking that sometimes appears and disappears, but this is probably due to the short period from when she took the position as the successor. Unlike me, she shouldn’t have dreamed of inheriting the family estate until the Yersinia Calamity happened. I was officially nominated recently, but I’ve been conscious of it for a long time.

[That dress, the red color of Adellahan, really shines. I’ve heard that this is the color of the Zareazeria flower. It must be a beautiful flower.]

[Oh my.]

As if to show off her dress, Kalmia picked up her skirt with one hand and opened it slightly. It is a Princess-like and cute movement.

Kalmia Adellahan is about as tall as the average women of the Eruo continent, maybe a little on the short side. Like Crowne, standing next to Marquis Adellahan would make her look small.

It’s hard to tell because her eyes are closed all the time, but she has a wonderful baby face. Thanks to that, even if she’s taller than me, she’ll feel smaller for some reason.

Somehow, she’s a woman who makes me want to protect her. I can easily see the resemblance with her real mother, Marquis Adellahan… When I compared them, they were surprisingly similar. Even though her face looked macho because of her tall stature, Marquis Adellahan’s face was made up of unexpectedly cute materials when just looking at the individual parts. It doesn’t stand out because it’s stretched vertically and horizontally. Kalmia is well-organized and cute, probably thanks to her appropriate size.

The most similar thing between Kalmia and the Marquis is their voice. Low and calm. Her tone is mature, so if you just listen to her voice, you’d think she’s an intelligent, calm, and beautiful older sister-type Princess.

She’s a girl with quite a gap between her appearance and her voice.

Suddenly, I was reminded of Rona.

She is a tall, slender beauty who looks great with long black hair. Despite being one year younger than me, he was taller than me. She had a slender figure, so I remember she looked taller than she actually was. However, her voice was the high-pitched anime girl voice, and it felt childish from the way she spoke. It might be suitable for a Holy Maiden since it’s a voice quality that seems happy with little worries.

[Ufufu. You are such a charmer. Thank you.]

The appearance of Kalmia’s dress, which smiles gracefully, reminded me a little of the Japanese high school uniform. It’s like wearing a dark brown blazer with a crimson cardigan.

In reality, it’s a dress with detailed decorations, and the part that looks like a cardigan is sewn with strong thread just like Marquis Adellahan’s dress, making it look like cloth armor. I wonder if the Adellahan family has a custom of incorporating armor into their dress motifs.

Kalmia had shoulder-length brown hair and was supposed to be 16 years old. Therefore, my first impression of her was “high school girl”. It is a word that certainly stirred the lower half of my body.

At the point where the conversation had taken a break, Kalmia turned her face to her fiancé who was standing diagonally behind her for a moment. and asked me if she could introduce him.

I’m not really interested, but this is like a ritual. Thus I showed my consent.

[This is my fiancee, Novalf Adellahan.]

With only my eyes directed at the young man, I responded with a [Un] and [Yeah] under my throat, and then turned my gaze back to Kalmia.

[So you have been engaged. Congratulations.]

[…..Yes, thank you.]

I’m concerned with how Kalmia’s reaction was momentarily delayed.

There shouldn’t be a mistake in how I treat Novalf. Right now Novalf is nothing more than the fiancée of the next family head. Compared to the head of the family, Shakuna, the first head of the family, Crowne, and the next head of the family, Kalmia, he is helplessly inferior.

There is no need for me, the next head of the Quordentze family, to talk with Novalf in a very public place where the current and next generations of the Quordenze and Adellahan families gather together for the first time. A small reaction to a greeting is enough. Even if we had a conversation, it would be after the tea party started and we got to know each other a little better.

In fact, Novalf continued to make small gestures even after being introduced to Kalmia. It’s proof that he understands that it’s not a scene where he can interfere.

…Kalmia, could it be that you’re in love with Novalf? It’s like the female version of a favored Noble. That must be why she was a little annoyed when I treated her fiancée lightly.

From the greeting conversation, I judged that she was not that kind of careless woman, but should I have withheld my evaluation? I can’t say anything because people can go out of control with love.

My suspicions about her actions interrupted the conversation in a strange way.

Kalmia, who must have avoided silence, made a move to interpret it as a sign of the end, and agreed to close the time for self-introductions to each other.

She was also adept at making up for her own mistakes. I wonder what happened to the previous freeze.

When everyone was seated, the tea set was handed out by a servant on the Quordenze side, and tea and tea cakes were prepared.

What I prepared this time was a white tea set that I had made in Newnelly.

The white vessels made by St. Navempos in the past are now valuable antiques, and soup is forbidden. However, I could pour as much as I wanted from the new Newnelly white teaware.


When the tea was poured into the cup, Kalmia let out a small voice.

She seems to be able to perceive the position and shape of things with magic. But judging from this reaction, she’s able to recognize colors as well. I’ve never heard of magic that perceives colors, so I wonder if it’s an original creation.

…..No, talking about and praising the tea utensils that the other party brought out at the tea party is the basis of the meeting. It may be that she just gave a signal in advance, such as “a white vessel came out”. If you master the magic of recognizing objects, you should be able to easily check the shape of the fingers of the person sitting next to you, and there is a possibility that someone around her like Novalf is cheating by telling her with their fingers.

Either way, the voice just now was clearly an implication of [I can see it].

Her voice was addressed to me, so I had to reply.

[This tea set was recently perfected in Newnelly. Please enjoy it along with the brew of Quordenze tea leaves.]

[Of course. I thought it’s too new for old pottery. But it makes sense if it’s made by the hands of today’s craftsmen.]

A natural smile appeared on Kalmia’s face, as if to say, “It makes sense, it’s a good product”. She wasn’t bragging about her knowledge, but seemed to be purely evaluating tea utensils.

Marquis Adellahan, and then Crowne also spoke about their impressions. The response was excellent. It was clear that both of them had a strong admiration for white tea utensils.

The scent of the poured tea spreads throughout the room, creating an atmosphere of enjoying tea and sweets for a while.

The castella that I prepared as tea sweets is the only sweet that I have been able to recreate from Earth. I made it in my elementary school days in my previous life, but since I only remembered the ingredients and how to make it roughly, it took several years to reproduce.

The unusual sweets became a good material to liven up the conversation. It’s worth bringing in a servant who can make castella from Newnelly.

Just like Fanny and Plume when they ate castella for the first time, Kalmia smiled gracefully and ate at a high pace while keeping it from looking rude. I’m sure they liked it.

It should be noted that it is not particularly embarrassing to ask for refills of tea sweets. It was quite heartwarming that the mother and daughter all asked for a second helping of castella.

Kalmia replied with a question when I told her that the fact that castella was made by a maid who was good at cooking was partly distorted.

[Come to think of it, I heard from a visitor to Zaleazeria that the Newnelly silk was invented by Wilk-dono.]

[Oh, I didn’t know that the rumors reached Aterahan. It’s true that I ordered the silk to be made.]

[Silk too, and other things?]

[Yes, this tea set was also made by me. I asked my father to showcase it here today.]

I would like to emphasize that it is not a product that was spontaneously generated by the private sector, but an industry linked to Quordenze. If you want it, ask my father.

And there is also the purpose of manipulating the impression that I’m a son who is enthusiastic about domestic affairs. Don’t let people think I’m more of a Warrior Noble than I am now.

[There is an organization called the pioneering association in Newnelly city. So it’s true that you’ve been taking an active role there.]

If you only listen to that, it’s like an evil organization that plans bad things. Pioneering Association is an organization with few shadowy places, with a signboard on the main street.

[Isn’t that the organization that helped produce the Newnelly silk… The Marquis of Quordenze has given his son a great deal of authority, is that an order that he has thought of for the future?]

It seems that Marquis Adellahan thought that my father entrusted me with a part of the Quordenze family’s governing structure.

Well, I don’t even dream that the Pioneering Association, an organization that was set up from scratch for my entertainment, would attract attention. In addition, in order to keep the area a secret, it is officially an organization directly connected to the ruling Noble, so it is not a mistake.

[I simply let Wilk do whatever he wanted. Recently, it has shown itself as the right decision.]

[I see that you place importance on education.]

Apparently they appreciated my father’s decision.

Certainly, from a different perspective, it might look like he was entrusting the main industry of the territory to his son and letting him experience the field. Instead of entrusting him with a safe job that he could succeed or fail, a father who included a big project related to the future of the territory into his son’s teaching material… I see, it would make him seem like he’s enthusiastic about education.

[Indeed, but I believe Adellahan understands it best when it comes to the importance of learning practical work? I’ve heard the rumors.]

As if it was our turn to ask questions, my father probed into the education of the Adellahan family. This one provides information that is far from being true, but it does a good job.

My father seems to be trying to find out about Novalf’s military prowess, which stopped the advance of the Orshian army, and how he was taught. The Highlord sons who were born in the Adellahan family were known to have been leading soldiers since young age, so he probably wants to know what kind of training the young man took.

Education is a hot topic in the Noble community. It can be said that this is an eternal proposition for Nobles, how to raise a child with the mighty power of a Highlord.

While the parents were talking passionately, Kalmia, who was a little loosening out, started talking to me.

[Wilk-dono is also enthusiastic about politics, aren’t you? When I heard

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