My Vampire System

Chapter 2122 A Universal Legend

Suddenly being transported onto a strange planet that clearly wasn\'t Earth, the Blades thought that they would at least be able to find a civilization somewhere. After that, they would fly to the Blade ship, or back to Earth to ask for help in taking down the attackers.

Perhaps even find Quinn as it was the last request from Sil before he had transported them all. Yet, it had become very clear, from the moment they saw the humanoid figure that they weren\'t on Earth.

The group were slowly moving forward toward the lake, but it wasn\'t the lake that they were scared of, instead it was a figure next to the lake. He was large in size, perhaps around 8 feet.

He was sitting on a rock as well, with a large, strangely made, thick fishing rod, which looked to be made out of a thick type of metal but the strangest thing was the person themselves.

Because of their outer skin, it looked to shine almost with a golden glow, but was hard and tough like a rock as well. Then there was the fact that it had four arms.

"Is it a humanoid beast, sir?" One of the Blades asked.

"I have never seen a Humanoid beast go fishing." Shiro replied. "Even if they are intelligent, they don\'t tend to do things like this, but there is only one way to find out."

There was a worrying thought in Shiro\'s mind that he didn\'t express with the others. Why wasn\'t their equipment working, and the one that teleported them all was Sil.

With his power, he was able to teleport them very very far away. What they were looking at could very well be contact with another intelligent Alien life. Due to the situation, one would believe they were the invaders and if that was to happen, they would have jumped from one bad situation to another.

\'What are you being so scared for!\' Raten shouted. \'We are Blades. Even if it is an alien, do you really think that we are weak compared to those in the universe? If they start attacking us, then we just have to fight back.\'

At that moment, the fishing line was raised into the air, and a giant sea creature was pulled out. Its body was so large that it was covering the sun casting a shadow on them all.

The creature had what looked like three heads, with circles on the end of them, all with razor sharp teeth. Just from the look of it on its own, it looked to be a high level beast.

Possibly at the Demi-god tier. The four armed man stood up, and shoved his rod into the rock that he was sitting on effortlessly, to keep it in place. Then, the next moment it leapt in the air, and threw two punches.

Two large bangs went off like explosions and two large holes were ripped through the fish\'s head, nearly getting rid of the entire top half of its body. As it was falling, it caught the large fish with one of its lower arms, and was holding its entire body that weighed at least a few 1000 tons, with a single arm, and placed it on the floor.

"That was a great catch today!" The man laughed to himself. "Although, I might have been a little too rough with it. It looked tougher than it actually was. What a waste of food."

Shiro had taken a step forward ready to take action, but after seeing the powerful display, his legs were shaking a little and the other Blades didn\'t blame him too much.

If that really was a demi-god tier beast, and it had been taken out that easily, then it by no means would be an easy fight, and they hadn\'t even witnessed the full strength of this creature.

\'Should we turn back, should we run, or hide!\' Shiro thought. \'Raten! Why have you suddenly gone quiet? You always have a lot to say, so make a decision!\'

While looking at his catch, the four armed person had managed to catch something in the corner of his eye and turned his head, he was now looking right at them.

The Blades all flinched again, and Shiro was getting his abilities ready.

\'Don\'t worry too much, if you can\'t deal with it, then switch with me!\' Vorden said. \'I will do my best to take care of the situation.\'

"My word, I never thought I would be seeing something like this!" The four armed person said to himself as he walked over, and started to wave. "Welcome" he shouted!

\'Welcome… he just said welcome, right?\' Shiro looked at the others, and they all looked confused as well.

"You are humans, correct? It\'s nice to meet you." The person jumped from his position at least fifty metres away, and landed right in front of Shiro. Now that the two were right in front of each other, the body was more intimidating than he thought.

"It\'s been a while since we have had any humans visit this place, but I didn\'t see any ships?"

Judging by the way the person was acting, and how happy he seemed to be, it was hard for Shiro to think of him as an enemy. It could still be a trap of some sort, but it seemed unlikely, as the element of surprise was gone, which was a big factor in a fight.

"I\'m sorry, but I don\'t know where we are." Shiro answered. "We suddenly are here, and we are stranded. I know it might be hard to believe."

"It\'s not hard to believe." The person replied straight away. "You are not the first person I have met in this area, who suddenly arrived here. He helped us before, so I shall help you.

"I am an Amra, and my name is Geo, it\'s nice to meet you all." Geo smiled.

Shiro and Geo were able to talk quite a bit, although it was mostly a one sided conversation with Geo taking the lead. He was going on and on about a great human who had helped them in the past.

Through their talking, Geo had stated that he would try his best to help them, but to do so they would have to go into the city. He could see that there were a few in the group that were tired, and needed rest, So Geo thought it would kill two birds with one stone.

Eventually, they had reached the city, and it was more simple than they had imagined. It certainly was an intelligent civilization, but the houses, the layout, all of it was more like that of the human race 1000\'s of years in the past.

"I can guess what you are thinking." Geo said. "But we are a simple race. We don\'t like gadgets and machinery taking over our lives. We prefer to do things with our own hands. We hunt, cook, everything, and life seems to just be more satisfying this way."

When they got closer to the city, Shiro was getting nervous once again. Although this Amra happened to treat them nicely, it didn\'t mean that the whole race would, when they saw them.

However, Shiro was completely wrong, they were allowed to walk through the gate, and the guards gave them a friendly wave and smile.

"It\'s nice to have you back, Geo! Are those humans with you!" One of the guards asked.

"Yes!" Geo replied, "they are guests".

This didn\'t just stop with the guards, as they were walking through the city, and more Amra were seeing them. They would all wave, and greet Geo. Some were even giving him gifts, and it was becoming clear…

"You talked a lot about that human, but you didn\'t say much about yourself, you\'re not an ordinary Amra are you?" Shiro asked.

"Haha, you\'re right, I am in charge of this city." Geo replied. "But don\'t get me wrong, all of it was because of the person I talked about before. I\'m sure you will know him, he is such a great figure to us, he must be back on Earth as well."

Shiro chuckled at that comment.

Sure, there were travellers that went out, explorers that never returned, but what were the chances that Shiro would know them?

Geo soon stopped as he reached his home, but just outside of his home, there was a large object that cast a shadow over the Blades. From just its feet they could tell that it was a carved out statue.

"Why is there such a big statue here?" Shiro asked as he slowly looked at the details as he lifted his head.

"That… is because it\'s a statue of the human who helped us, and my dear friend."

Finally, Shiro\'s eyes laid upon the face, and his mouth was left wide open. He couldn\'t blink.

\'Why… in the middle of nowhere, on a random planet, with a random alien race, is there a statue of Quinn?\'


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