The Demon's Bride

Chapter 667: Playing Fool-III

Chapter 667: Playing Fool-III

Esther banged her fists on the box where she had been locked in. The harder she hits her fists, she hoped someone would hear her. Judging by how quick the angels managed to get inside the castle, she feared in the couple of minutes where she had been locked inside the box, the angels had spread at all corners of the castle, ready to take down Hell at any time.

Yet somehow, beyond the fear of having Hell raided by angels, Esther was more concerned of the well being of the stupid demon she had fought with. Fortunately Esther managed to loosened the tie of her mouth. "Help!" She screamed to no reply. It made her remembered the time when she had been locked in the box and saved by Beelzebub. At the thought of him, she felt angry as well as worried.

Shaking her head, Esther then raised her voice louder, "Help! I am inside here! There\'s a person here!" There was no reply again and for some reason, she could hear the sound of waves near her. Esther had barely noticed the sound as she had been in a hurry. There was many sea in Hell and she couldn\'t pinpoint whether she was still inside the castle or the angel had thrown her off somewhere.

Angered by how no one was near her and frustrated, Esther banged the box again, not knowing how her box was on the edge of a small cliff. At first, the box where she was had been placed far from the cliff, but Esther, had tried all ways to move around in order to release the rope binding her body and knees, added with her slamming her body to the box, it had only caused the box to slowly inched before it finally tilted to the side.

Without knowing this, Esther delivered a stronger hit toward the box when she felt how her view tilting as the box begin to roll from the edge of the cliff. Esther screamed when she felt her body along with the box free falling. The gravity that pulls her downward made all hairs on her body stand in shiver. To make it worse, on the way of the box sliding down, it had hit the edge of the sharp ground beneath the cliff, that caused the box to continue roll again dangerously.

Esther tried to stop the box from moving but her head felt dizzy as the second time the box hit the ground, she had inadvertently hit her her forehead to the edge of the box, causing blood to flow from her torn skin. Esther could tell that if the box rolled deeper down, sooner or later she would crash down and splatter like a broken egg which wasn\'t wrong as in the end of the box\'s destination was a large broken tree that would pierce directly through the middle of the box.

It was difficult for Esther to call for help, not when everything was going too fast more than she could imagine. When Esther tried to focus her view, she was surprised by how a tree branch had pierced right in front of her eyes.

Esther tried to stop herself by pushing one side of the box, to make it steady but the road she had taken was slippery after it was drenched by a light rain few hours beforehand. As she was cornered with no more way to safe herself, Esther decided to closer her eyes and prepare for the worse. If the worse was death… "Then so be it," whispered Esther as she clenched tight her eyes.

As if God had heard her prayers, the box stopped on its own. Esther could feel how loud her heart beating against her chest. If only she was a full fledged demoness, Esther was sure she would be able to break the box with her magic but the Angels had been so careful with their work that they had sealed her power from the box.

This time Esther was careful on trying to get herself out of the box. For one, she didn\'t know on what her box had been stopped by and second, she was scared a movement of her would cause the box to tilt further and fall on the worse place possible.

Esther bite the rope on her knees as untying the knot was deemed to be impossible. Once her legs was freed, she looked around for anything that could help her tinker open the box. She looked around her clothes, trying to find something useful but even her trustable dagger she hid on her shoes had been taken away. Looking at the box to find a small leeway, she then noticed how the branch of the tree could pierce the box.

She understood that while the wooden box appeared to be sturdy, it had been casted with a sealing magic for the person stored inside the box wouldn\'t be able to use their magic but it was weak to the normal objects which aren\'t infused by magic. The sealing magic had also decreased the durability of the box, which was even such a thin branch could penetrate the box.

Esther had gotten used to lacing her magic over her fingers to help enhance her prowess, resulting to her futile attempt of banging until the box slant over the slope.

This time, Esther had used her bare fingers, trying to create a hole over the wooden box with the help of the tree branch. When the hole had been made, she used her hands to widen the cavity. Her fingers bleed when the splinters puncture her fingertips, but she disregarded the pain and continued to open the box until finally an opening of her size had been made.

Esther didn\'t linger around inside such a dark place and pushed herself out of the box. She carefully stand on the ground, realizing how she was on a very steep edge of a hill where directly below her was a thick log that was positioned straight up. When she imagined the possibility of her box rolling downward and stabbed by the sharp end of the log, her body shivered.

"I shouldn\'t stand around here," Esther whispered to herself, quickly trying to run away when the ground beneath her started to crumble. Loosing her footing, Esther tried to grab the ground to no avail, her eyes widening in fear as she realized the place she was falling to was directly toward the broken wooden log.

Esther closed her eyes when she felt her body floating instead of falling. The pain she waited on her abdomen was miraculously escaped. "Have you lost your mind?" Beelzebub\'s voice rang on her ears. "Beware of where you are standing!"

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