My Sassy 'Crown Princess'

Chapter 395: The So-Called Ranking (1)

Chapter 395: The So-Called Ranking (1)

Mo Fei was walking around the room in dissatisfaction, “The headmaster is tempted to squeeze a square peg into a round hole. Tianhe College ranked twelfth in the last trial, but he asked us to fight for the first place?”

Su Rong said unhurriedly, “This should be done step by step! Maybe we can discuss with the headmaster and let him change the target from the first place to the top 3. I heard the disciples sent by Xingchen College are very difficult to deal with.”

Mo Fei just sneered, “Go if you want to be beaten.”

Su Rong, “...”

“It’s really strange. A total of 20 colleges participated in the trial. Our college ranked 12th in the last trial. How could we keep the ranking of the top 3 college?” Mo Yi wore a weird look.

Lou Yu smiled unfathomably, “This is strength!”

“Strength?” Mo Yi was in confusion.

Lou Yu’s lips upward, “Except for the headmaster of Xingchen, none of the remaining 18 is our headmaster’s opponent... He is a peerless master!”

“This is the power of strength!” Mo Fei said meaningfully.

Su Rong raised his eyelids and said with incomprehension, “Since no other headmaster is his opponent except headmaster Xingchen, why didn’t our college rank the second?”

Qian Ye smiled and said with interest, “That’s what you don’t know. Our headmaster is ruthless to us, but he is kind to women.”

“You mean, the headmaster of Mingyue College is a big beauty?” Zheng Xuan asked curiously.

Qian Ye nodded, “I heard she is a stunning beauty, but a little old. It seems she is already 300 years old and born in the same period with our headmaster. When the fatty was young, he had chased her.”

“Alas,” Mo Fei let out a whoop of wonder, “So the headmaster had once been in love! I really can’t see it!”

“Our headmaster was her admirer. But has his heart been accepted by her?” Zheng Xuan asked curiously.

“I heard the fatty was thin at that time. Headmaster Mingyue rejected him, saying he was too thin, even thinner than her and she would have no sense of security.”

“Then, our headmaster quickly gained weight and became a fat ball for love. Then, Headmaster Mingyue said, ‘Tianhe, you’re too fat, I’m worried about being crushed to death by you in bed, and now I feel even less secure.’”

Mo Fei, “...”

“And then?” asked Mo Fei.

“Then, our headmaster found it easy to gain weight but difficult to lose. He has been giving up on himself and is single until now.” Qian Ye shook his head in sigh.

Bang!~ The door was kicked open. When the man came inside, Mo Fei quickly hid behind Lou Yu.

The fat headmaster’s sights swept across the crowd angrily. “Bastards! You never think about making progress, just talking about rootless gossip every day.”

The fat headmaster held his head high, “When I was young, it was admired by girls. Do I need to chase that bitch? I gave up on myself for her? How ridiculous! Will I give up for that tigress? Bullshit.”

Qian Ye lowered his head as if to make an apology.

The fat headmaster looked at Qian Ye fiercely and gnashed his teeth, “Where did you hear these?”

“It was written on the post of Xingchen College.” Qian Ye said in a low voice.

“Fxxk, how could you believe those idiots? These bastards in Xingchen Colleges. And you. Are you serving two shifu?” The fat headmaster growled angrily.

Qian Ye, “...”

“Headmaster, what can we do for you this time?” Mo Fei tried to change the subject.

The fat headmaster threw the animal hide in his hand on the table, “This is for you.”

Lou Yu picked up the hide and looked at it. “Headmaster, is this a map of Yueheng Fairyland?”

The fat headmaster nodded, “Yes! This was drawn by the disciples who entered the secret realm before. That place is extremely dangerous. The first batch of disciples who entered was almost annihilated. After the continuous exploration of the previous disciples, now you only need to avoid the danger on the map for survival.”

Lou Yu looked at the map and asked, “So, other colleges have this, too?”

The fat headmaster nodded, “Yes, the map is a secret of every college. Sometimes, a detailed map determines how much you gain in the secret realm.”

Mo Fei blinked, “The maps of each college are different?”

The fat headmaster nodded, “That’s right.”

He paused and continued, “Although several colleges exchanged ideas in order to improve the survival rate more than 100 years ago. But who would have no selfishness? We all have reservations.”

Lou Yu seemed to realize something, “Oh, I see.”

“Well, if you meet the disciples of Xingchen, you can rob their map. The map from Xingchen is the most complete.” The fat headmaster said with an kind of excited face.

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