Phoenix Phire

Chapter 571 - Winter Blackbird

Morti huffed his black nose at the tiny ring. "That definitely won\'t fit, Nix."

Nix pursed his lips slightly. "You may be right. How about if I pierced your ear and you could wear it there?"

Morti shook his big head. "I don\'t wanna."

"I see... I could pierce your nose. Nose rings are really popular nowadays."

Morti\'s big paw covered his nose. "That\'s scary."

Nix nodded in agreement. "How about if I use it as an enchantment for your new Battle Harness?"

Ring: Winter Sparrow (Black Ice)

Description: This is the Ice Queen\'s

favor. A unique sparrow constructed from Black Ice.

"Is it a small bird?"

Nix nodded. "Very small; you remember the Ice Sparrow I had?"

"Yep. Can you make those too?"

"Unfortunately, no, it\'s a unique skill that Shi has developed."

[Summons: Winter Sparrow]

[Please Choose User Mode]

1) Command

2) Control


Nix held the tiny bird in the palm of his hand; its black feathers sparkled in the Haven sun. "Try to inhabit it, like you would a regular puppet."

Morti flopped down on the ground and waited while Nix placed it on the ground in front of him. He stared at the bird for a moment and then closed his eyes. A second later, the bird made a tiny hop. "My nose is huge."

Nix lay his palm out and waited until the bird hopped on. "It looks good on you. Why don\'t you try flying around."

"Your nose is huge too... I think we look a little alike." The bird flapped its wings a few times. "What if I break it?"

"You can\'t really. I got eaten once in Parliament. while using the Winter Sparrow, I can resummon it once the timer resets." Nix stifled a yawn. "I need some sleep, have some fun with this, Morti."


2300 hours, Turtle House in Haven

A weight on the bed caused Nix to stir several hours later; he opened his eyes when soft lips touched his. Fajii\'s brown face smiled at him.

"You asked me to wake you in time for the Barrot Raid." Fajii gripped his hand and pulled back until he managed to sit up. "Maybe you should sit this one out?"

Nix shook his head to clear the cobwebs. "Nope! Let\'s go wack that guy; then I can go back to sleep."

Fajii stood up, keeping an eye on him until he placed his feet on the floor. "Alpha and Bravo are at the Safarza War Camp."

Nix nodded and started equipping his gear. "Did Vooni and Sinfaya return?"

"They\'re at the TOC; you have time to drop in before the raid starts."

Nix created a Breach to the TOC and stepped through; Sharl, Milat, and Zhava were standing around the large map with Vooni and Sinfaya. The Dragon had his Ravager puppet in one hand. "Give me a quick brief."

Vooni pointed to the mark on the map just to the north of Cyphix. "It\'s like you said, every kill is feeding it, but that\'s not all."

Sinfaya did something with the hud control, causing the map to zoom in much closer than it normally would. "It\'s actually a spatial gate, a prison of sorts. There is definitely something very strong on the other side."

Nix\'s face was expressionless; he had already guessed as much. "A planar boss?"

Sinfaya nodded. "We\'ve already received reports that the Titans are facing something similar in Everspire."

Nix accepted his Ravager puppet from the dragon. "Anything else?"

"Yes. It\'s pretty complicated spatial magic, the local kills act as the key to the gate, but if you fail to kill the planar boss, the gate will rerelease them."

Nix frowned suddenly and checked the time. "Basically, losing means that we have to restart the entire process from day one. And if we win?"

Vooni smiled at him. "That\'s the good news, the gate will be eradicated, and Colonial will be cleared."

Nix opened a breach to the Sarfarza War Camp. "Still in contact with your old team?"

Vooni nodded. "Shall I activate them?"

"Yes, unless they are tasked with other things. Let\'s get the band back together." Nix stepped through the Breach a moment later, leaving Sharl to explain what that meant.

The War Camp was bristling with activity when Nix arrived a moment later. Tent City was now packed with occupants as all the mid-tier guilds were racing to grind Howlers before Inferno came in and killed the boss. Nix could hear the murmurs as he walked past the Quartermaster Tent.

"That\'s the Inferno Leader; that means they\'re going now!"

"Let\'s shift to another War Camp."

"He doesn\'t look like much, bet I could take him."

Commander Mtui stepped out of the Quartermaster tent and fell in step with Nix as he walked toward the staging area. "Breach Commander meeting tomorrow Nix."

Nix\'s felt his lips widen in a grin. "The rest of the Commander\'s going to join the fight?"

Mtui nodded. "We\'re meeting tomorrow at my office in Solomon City. Make sure to bring those Ghost peppers."

[Whisper: Darsi to Nix] On your six, Trip-7.

Nix glanced over one shoulder and spotted the Inferno Sniper; she was accompanied by Dalton and Moki, both former Gladis Hub members.

[Whisper: Nix to Darsi] Got a sniper nest set up?

[Whisper: Darsi to Nix] Yes. We set up at max range. Once you guys start rolling, we\'ll add some dps.

The raid group was all standing around a fire, talking in a relaxed manner while waiting for the fight to start.

/Inferno: Jun Li: Looks like Nix is here. Here are the groups for the raid. As you can see, we\'re DPS heavy and light on heals.

Nix: CC, Range/Melee DPS

Chiba: Melee DPS

Beta: Melee DPS

Rabi: Melee DPS

Wind: Melee DPS

Semmi: Melee DPS

Pon: Ranged DPS

Jun Li: Off Tank

Ronnie: Ranged DPS

Nezbit: Heals

/Inferno: Nix: Going to add Morti, Ducky, and Fey. Our sniper team is also set up nearby.

Morti: Tank

Ducky: CC

Fey: Ranged DPS

Morti has joined the raid.

Ducky has joined the raid.

Fey has joined the raid.

Dalton has joined the raid.

Moki has joined the raid.

Darsi has joined the raid.

Since the Regional boss was close, Inferno decided to walk. The soft crunch of boots on the frozen tundra marked their passing as they made their way through the War Camp that had suddenly grown quiet. Everyone had heard of Inferno, the mid-tier guilds gathered to watch, and all eyes were on the raid force.

/Inferno: Ronnie: He\'s on the ice. I hope we don\'t fall through when he dies.

/Inferno: Semmi: The ice here is probably seven or eight feet thick.

Nix felt a hand grip his and looked down to see Rabi walking beside him. "Ready to go, Rabi?"

Rabi flashed him a fanged smile. "Rabi\'s tummy feels bad, but I\'m ready."

"Mine too; it\'s just butterflies."

Rabi wrinkled his dark nose. "Rabi doesn\'t eat butterflies."

Nix shared a smile with the tiny demon. "I suppose you\'re right."

Barrot crouched on the snow, unmoving. Besides insta-killing any mid-tier that approached him, he hadn\'t moved at all since he spawned. His skin was a deep blue. He was equipped with brown fur armor and a Great Sword that seemed to absorb the light around it. He was helmless, but had two massive dragon-like horns jutting from either side of his head. It was difficult to judge his height because he was kneeling, but Nix guessed he was only a bit taller than Morti.

/Inferno: Ronnie: He has a bola tied to his belt. That could mean he has a CC ability.

/Inferno: Jun Li: Noted, good catch, Ronnie.

Large chunks of ice jutted up randomly around the Ice Giant. The mid-tier guilds had managed to clear all the trash mobs from the area, so Inferno wouldn\'t have to worry about any adds unless Barrot summoned them.

Inferno formed up behind Morti and Jun Li.

/Inferno: Jun Li: Morti goes in by himself and establishes aggro. He\'ll turn Barrot\'s back to us; that\'s the green light for our Melee DPS to move in. Whenever you\'re ready, Morti.

Morti stood on his back legs, his eyes scanning the area around Barrot. He dropped down to all fours with a ground-shaking thud. "Gonna Swat him!"

Nix pushed Emerald Fury flames into both of his Bone hilts, the buzzing whine of their vibration reverberated around them, causing the frigid night air to pop and crackle in protest.

Chiba had both of her swords equipped; her old face focused on the Ice Giant. "Call out if you get in trouble, Apprentice!"

Nix nodded. "You too."

Morti\'s claws dug deep into the ice beneath them; a moment later, he charged in. Chunks of ice and snow were thrown into the air as the Titan cub rambled forward with startling speed. When the bear passed the five-meter mark, Barrot stood suddenly to face him, but it was already too late.

"SWAT!" Morti\'s big paw swiped aside the sword that was raised to block his attack and slammed into the face of Barrot, knocking him back a step.

Barrot has been stunned.

Huge jaws clamped down on the Ice Giant\'s sword arm, the Titan cub\'s claws gouged deep ruts into the ice as it forced his opponent to turn.

[Absolute Challenge]

All of Barrot\'s Attacks must focus on Mortimer for the next sixty seconds.

/Inferno: Jun Li: Move-in! Let\'s light him up!

Nix has cast [Hellfire][Fire Storm].

Emerald flames roared upward around the Ice Giant while the sky rained with green fire. The Ice Giant roared in agony and raised his arms to cover his face. Within seconds of starting, Inferno had taken thirty percent of his health.

Barrot has created [Separation].

No creature may approach within two meters of Barrot for the next five seconds.

The area around the Ice Giant cleared immediately, forcing Morti backward as the Ice Giant raised an arm overhead and starting spinning it.

/Inferno: Jun Li: It\'s the Bola!

Jun Li stepped in front of Nezbit and raised her Gemini blade.

[Defensive Posture][Gemini Shield]

All attacks against Jun Li will be mitigated by thirty percent.

Jun Li is shielding Nezbit.

Nix heard the whirling of the Bolas as it spun through the air; a moment later, he felt the impact as it wrapped several times around his legs, advanced upward in a spiral until the weighted ends thumped together at his stomach, knocking him to the ground.

Nix has been restrained.

Chiba has been restrained.

Beta has been restrained.

Rabi has been restrained.

Wind has been restrained.

Barrot has been charmed.

Morti pushed against the invisible barrier that separated him from his target; a deep, menacing growl rumbled from the cub\'s throat as he tested its strength.

[Aura Ignition: Emerald Flames]

Green fire enveloped Nix, causing his bonds to burn away.

Nix is no longer bound.

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